Thursday, August 14, 2008

Porlolo - Meadows

Few albums have been able to contend with the CD I have been playing on a loop over the past six months. It was one of those CDs I took everywhere...finally something has come out that knocked me into a changeover. Porlolo’s second release Meadows is what I listen to day and night. It goes with me to work every morning, on my long bike rides and walks in the park. Meadows is the perfect summertime album. I feel transported through the music to a time when gas prices were low and Americans went on long road trips. Driving West to the sea with fields of golden grass blurring by. My heart softens a little when I hear these beautiful songs about relationships and the love of nature and animals.

To see Porlolo live is always a treat. Singer-songwriter Roberts has the face of a cherub with a seraphim-like presence. Her sweet yet strong voice always gives me the sense I am hearing something true and magnanimous.

She has teamed up with some of Denver’s finest musicians to put together this thoughtful arrangement of tunes. With Julie Davis and Carrie Beeder from Bela Karoli adding the string instrumentation to balance Roberts' glorious trumpet work, we get the feeling that this is not just Indie rock - this is something much more. The lilting electric guitar adds a dark Americana tinge. Notably Fine Audio’s Colin Bricker has added yet another gem to the Denver musical community, adding his influence in the electronic soft touches he is known for.

For days on end the refrain "Animals Should Live Forever” has haunted me with its sadness for the loss of the innocent lives of animals. I find myself lost in reverie… daydreaming in the sunlight.

To learn more about one of my favorite Denver bands please check them
out on myspace:


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